Tag: cbdoil

Barbara Bud Strain THC chromatogram Cannabis Testing Simplified

Why you should buy an HPLC for your cannabis business

Purchasing an HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) system for your cannabis business can offer help with process improvement, quality control, regulatory compliance.

CTInstruments publishes a new brochure for its cannabis HPLC analyzer

CTInstruments Ltd. is pleased to announce the publishing of a new brochure for its cannabis HPLC analyzer. You can view and download the brochure from the following link: https://cannabistestingsimplified.com/3d-flip-book/brochure/ You can learn more about our cannabis HPLC analyzer used for testing cannabinoids and terpenes from our website cannabistestingsimplified.com.   HAVE QUESTIONS? Our contact: [email protected]  …
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CTInstruments releases cloud-hosted multi-user version of the software for its cannabis HPLC analyzer

CTInstruments Ltd. is pleased to announce the release of a cloud-hosted multi-user version of the software used for its cannabis HPLC analyzer. This allows our customers to host their data on a cloud server and process the data as well as generate reports from multiple computers. Cloud data storage provides additional security and data backup,…
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Get $300 OFF Cannabis HPLC Analyzer

Fill out our survey and get $300 OFF a purchase of the HPLC cannabis analyzer. Link to the survey is here, or fill out the form below. Loading…

10% OFF seed purchase

  Not yet ready to get your hands on an affordable HPLC for testing cannabinoids and terpenes?   In the meantime, feel free to use below discount code to get 10% off the purchase of seeds from seedsman.com   Discount coupon: 20AS-308526   Our Cannabis HPLC Analyzer SIMPLE TO USE – No prior chemistry background required…
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CTInstruments is launching Big Cannabis Database

CTInstruments, an award-winning manufacturer of affordable cannabis HPLC analyzers, is launching a Big Cannabis Database (bigcannabisdatabase.com) website to give free access to a large collection of hemp & cannabis strain and product-tested data. This includes tested values of cannabinoids in a variety of flowers, extracts, commercial products. Our goal is to share this information with…
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Wondering about the accuracy of an affordable cannabis HPLC analyzer from CTInstruments?

One of the first things we usually get asked is whether our $15,990 cannabis HPLC analyzer is a real HPLC. The answer is yes, absolutely. The second question we typically get is whether it is accurate and how it compares to instruments manufactured by the big HPLC manufacturers + how it compares to tests run…
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Cannabis HPLC Analyzer Price Increase

Due to the increased costs of parts from our suppliers, CTInstruments Ltd. will be increasing the price of the cannabis HPLC analyzer from USD 14,990 to USD 15,990 starting from February 1st, 2022. We continue seeing delays in parts sourcing and the current wait time for a new HPLC is around 3 weeks. We look…
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CTInstruments – 2021 in Review

Despite the significant challenges 2021 has brought to everyone, we`ve been blessed to navigate the challenges and experience a lot of joy this past year.   We are eternally thankful to: 1. our customers for continuously bringing new ideas to the table and pushing us to improve and develop new products and processes. 2. our…
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CTInstruments wins Cannabis Commercial Award second year in a row.

CTInstruments Ltd., an award-winning manufacturer of affordable cannabis HPLC instruments, is pleased to announce the winning of the Cannabis Commercial Award second year in a row.   Being awarded as the Best Cannabinoid Testing Equipment Supplier – North America helps further cement our leading position in developing accurate, yet affordable instruments for testing cannabinoids in…
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