CTInstruments recognized as the Best Cannabinoids Potency Testing Solutions Manufacturer – North America

CTInstruments recognized as the Best Cannabinoids Potency Testing Solutions Manufacturer – North America

2020 Commercial Cannabis Awards – CTInstruments recognized as the Best Cannabinoids Potency Testing Solutions Manufacturer – North America

We are proud to announce winning of the 2020 Commercial Cannabis Award as the Best Cannabinoids Potency Testing Solutions Manufacturer – North America.

We would like to thank all our customers, supporters, and employees for ongoing support and feedback that helps us make continuous improvements to our systems, helps us innovate and make improvements to our business operations in order to better serve our customers.

2020 Commercial Cannabis Awards Winner Logo

How are award winners chosen by GHP?

“The judging panel uses the case file built by our research team and any supporting evidence submitted by the nominee to make the decision as to who is successful in the programme. Our dedicated researchers used merit-orientated research via the public domain, taking into consideration a number of different factors. Once finalised, the file is presented to our judges for their consideration. To move successfully from nominee to winner there must be evidence of expertise within a given field, dedication to customer service and client satisfaction with an ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation.”

2020 Commercial Cannabis Awards Certificate

About CTInstruments Ltd.

We are a Calgary-based manufacturer of affordable HPLC systems used for accurate analysis of cannabinoids concentrations in hemp and cannabis plants, extracts, edibles. We offer our HPLC instruments globally under the brand Cannabis Testing Simplified. Our goal is to bring the technology matching large brands at a low cost. We design systems for ease-of-use and to be simple enough to be operated by anyone without a traditional chemistry background.

For more information, visit our website: cannabistestingsimplified.com

Contact: [email protected]