Practical HPLC Training – Use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Cannabinoids Analysis
USD 289
Practical HPLC Training – Use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Cannabinoids Analysis
This is a self-paced online training from CTInstruments with the opportunity to see how HPLC is used in practice for testing cannabinoids. The training contains over 25 hours of videos and articles to teach you chromatography theory, HPLC design, how to set up and use HPLC for testing cannabinoids, how to prepare a variety of cannabinoids samples, and how to troubleshoot and maintain HPLC. After completing the training and successfully passing the exam, you will obtain a certificate of completion.
Note: Upon signing up for our training, you will receive a $200 discount on the purchase of our cannabis HPLC analyzer should you decide to buy one in the future.
Topics covered:
Step 1: Intro & Theory
1.1 How to use this training platform
Step 2: Getting Started with HPLC
Step 3: HPLC Operation
3.3 HPLC Start-up & Column Conditioning
3.7 Data processing & Report generation
Step 4: Troubleshooting
4.1 Typical issues and how to solve them
Step 5: Maintenance
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