Cannabis Testing Know-how

USD 10,000

Do you already own an HPLC and are looking to add cannabis testing capability? We can help.

We offer this package:

  1. Validated HPLC cannabis testing methods.
  2. Our C18 HPLC column + guard column – value of $1,040.
  3. 1L of HPLC buffer (used to control pH during testing) – value of $160 – good for ca. 200 tests.
  4. Validated sample preparation protocols – specific to a large variety of cannabis products, including edibles and beverages.
  5. Standard operating procedures (SOP).
  6. License to our CTI Log – it is our excel-based software that handles below functionality:
    1. Laboratory sample management to track your tests and samples
    2. Customizable report generation (lab report or certificate of analysis) – you would need to be able to export results from your current HPLC software as excel file + chromatogram as pdf
    3. Auditable quality control of your testing methods
    4. Customer log
    5. Maintenance log

This is based on excel and the license would be for one year; after which you decide whether to continue licensing at $200/month. The software has the calibration curves built-in and they are not accessible for proprietary reasons. Once you have experience, you may decide to continue licensing, or just build own curves and report generation software.

7. Access to our training portal (as long as you continue licensing the package) – it has training on our HPLC, but a lot of it would be applicable to your situation as well. You would learn about HPLC and its operation, cannabis sample preparation, HPLC troubleshooting and maintenance. Publicly accessible version can be found here –

8. Technical support – we would be available anytime you have questions regarding HPLC (troubleshooting, maintenance, etc.) or cannabinoids testing, sample prep, further method development.



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